
Abril, 2024

Light pollution is a growing problem in our cities, affecting both the environment and human health. 

Staria Technologies' solar lighting solutions not only provide efficient and sustainable lighting but also help significantly reduce light pollution. 

In this post, we will explore how our solutions achieve this crucial goal.


Light pollution affects millions of people and biodiversity, disrupting ecosystems and the natural day-night cycle. At Staria Technologies, we have developed solar lighting solutions that are not only energy-efficient but also minimize unnecessary light dispersion, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable environment.

What is Light Pollution?

Light pollution refers to the brightness or glow of the night sky caused by poorly designed or poorly located artificial light sources. 

This phenomenon not only affects the visibility of stars and other celestial bodies but also has negative impacts on fauna, flora, and human health.

It's a problem that often goes unnoticed... But it needs a solution.

Negative Effects of Light Pollution

  1. Impact on Human Health: : Exposure to artificial light at night can interfere with circadian rhythms and melatonin production, leading to sleep disorders and other health issues.

  2. Disrupted Ecosystems: : Many species depend on darkness to carry out their nocturnal activities. Light pollution can disorient animals, alter their behaviors, and reduce their chances of survival.

  3. Energy Waste: : Light that disperses into the sky is wasted energy. Inefficient lighting increases energy consumption and associated costs, as well as contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

How Solar Lighting Helps Reduce Light Pollution

Staria Technologies' solar lighting is specifically designed to minimize light pollution through several innovative strategies:

  1. Use of Special LED Lenses: Our luminaires are equipped with LED lenses that disperse less light. This allows for greater efficiency and ensures that light is directed only to areas that need illumination, reducing dispersion into the sky and surrounding areas.

  2. Smart Luminaires: Staria's luminaires do not illuminate at 100% power all the time. During low-traffic hours, the lighting intensity is automatically reduced. This adjustability not only reduces light pollution but also saves energy and extends battery life.

Success Stories

Karrantza, Basque Country

One of our most notable success stories is the implementation of solar lighting solutions in Karrantza, Basque Country. 

This project has significantly reduced light pollution in the region, improving nighttime visibility and safety without compromising energy efficiency.

Farolas De Staria Instaladas


The Starlight Foundation promotes the protection of the night sky and the reduction of light pollution. Staria Technologies supports this movement by implementing lighting technologies that respect and protect the natural environment. Our solutions meet responsible lighting criteria, contributing to the preservation of night sky quality.

For more information on the Starlight Foundation, visit Starlight Fundation.


Light pollution is a global challenge that requires innovative and sustainable solutions. Staria Technologies' solar lighting solutions are designed to minimize unnecessary light dispersion, reduce energy consumption, and protect both human health and ecosystems. By opting for our intelligent and efficient luminaires, we are contributing to the creation of more sustainable and environmentally friendly cities. With these advancements, Staria Technologies positions itself at the forefront of the fight against light pollution, promoting a future where the night sky can be enjoyed by all generations.

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